Simply add our attractive banners or a text link to NoMoreBoss.com to your site and will return the favor by placing you banner or text link on this high traffic page!
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Choose the banner(s) you like from those below. Download the banner(s) to your system and place the banner(s) on your server. 2. Cut and paste the linking code under the banner(s), including the < > symbols on your webpage where you would like the banner(s) to appear. 3. Email us at webmaster@mysticmedia.com, please include the page that the NoMoreBoss.com banner can be found. 4. Provide us your banner and the URL you would like your banner to be linked to. We will put your banner on this page and email you when it is placed. If you need additional help, please consider us happily at your service!
Linking Code: <a href=http://www.nomoreboss.com><img src="nmb1.gif" Alt="You Want No More Boss"></a>
Linking Code: <a href=http://www.nomoreboss.com><img src="nmbblck.gif" Alt="You Want No More Boss"></a>
Linking Code: <a href=http://www.nomoreboss.com><img src="nmbblue.gif" Alt="You Want No More Boss"></a>
TEXT LINK: <a href=http://www.nomoreboss.com>NoMoreBoss.com-Come On, you know you want it!</a> TEXT LINK INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Simply cut and paste the Text Link code, including the < > symbols, on your webpage where you would like the Text Link to appear. 2. Email us at webmaster@mysticmedia.com, please include the page that the NoMoreBoss.com Text Link can be found. 4. Provide us your Text Link and the URL you would like it to be linked to. We will put your Text Link on this page and email you when it is placed.
you need additional help, please consider us happily at your service!
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